Tiger's Eye

protection | courage | prosperity

Chakra ~ solar plexus, sacral, root

Astrological sign ~ Capricorn, Leo

Planet ~ Sun

Affirmation ~ "I am strong, protected, and prosperous, with the courage to pursue my dreams."

Uses ~ promoting courage and confidence, enhancing protection and prosperity, fostering inner strength and determination

Rarity ~ relatively common

Tiger's Eye is a powerful and mesmerizing crystal known for its golden-brown hues and shimmering chatoyant bands. Its protective energy evokes feelings of courage, prosperity, and inner strength, making it a cherished ally for those seeking to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals with confidence.

This crystal resonates primarily with the solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras, promoting a sense of personal power, vitality, and stability within oneself. It helps to boost confidence and self-esteem, allowing one to face challenges with courage and determination.

Tiger's Eye is also known for its ability to enhance protection and prosperity, creating a shield of energetic protection around the aura. It helps to deflect negative energy and psychic attacks, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for personal growth and success.

As a stone of prosperity, Tiger's Eye attracts abundance and good fortune into one's life, aligning one's energy with the vibrations of success and achievement. It helps to manifest opportunities for growth and prosperity, empowering one to reach their highest potential.

Tiger's Eye is relatively common and can be found in various parts of the world, including South Africa, Australia, and the United States. Its powerful energy and protective properties have made it a beloved gemstone for promoting courage, prosperity, and inner strength throughout history.

Embrace the protective energy of Tiger's Eye to cultivate courage, confidence, and prosperity in your life. With its shimmering presence and potent vibration, Tiger's Eye empowers you to pursue your dreams with determination and resilience, knowing that you are supported and guided by the loving energy of the universe.

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