If you’ve been around crystals for a while, you’ll have heard about Himalayan Salt Lamps. You might even have one or a few in your home already. But did you know that they can reduce allergies and asthma symptoms, or that they cleanse air through a process known as hygroscopy

There are many ways these lamps can support us spiritually and energetically. They’re a great addition to any home or office, and also make great gifts that even the most skeptical people will appreciate for their aesthetic glow.

Here are a few of the spiritual benefits that we can get from Himalayan salt lamps:


Air purification

Himalayan salt lamps purify the air by releasing negative ions. This happens through a process known as hygroscopy. During this process, the salt lamp attracts moisture from the air, before evaporating it off again. Negative ions are also generated -- they neutralize positively charged ions in the air, which can come from electronic devices, pollutants, and allergens. Breathing in cleaner air is not only beneficial for our health, especially for those prone to allergies or asthma, but also creates a sense of calm and promotes relaxation, which balances us spiritually.

(This process is also why if you turn your lamp off, without the heat of the light to evaporate moisture, your salt lamp might ‘sweat’ or become damp).


Relaxation and stress relief

 The soft, warm glow of a Himalayan salt lamp promotes relaxation and reduces stress. This can be beneficial for those who practice meditation, or anyone looking for a calm and peaceful environment. Many people choose to keep one beside their bed for greater relaxation before sleep, or in the workplace to reduce electromagnetic effects on the body. 


Enhanced spiritual awareness

The negative ions released by Himalayan salt lamps enhance spiritual awareness and promote a greater connection to the natural world. This can be helpful for those who are looking to deepen their spiritual practice or explore their spiritual beliefs.


Improved sleep

Himalayan salt lamps also promote better sleep by reducing the amount of positive ions in the air, which can interfere with sleep quality. Better sleep can lead to greater spiritual well-being and a more positive outlook on life. The amber glow of a salt lamp is also beneficial for our body’s production of sleep-inducing hormones such as melatonin, as opposed to harsh blue light that disrupts our natural rhythm. 


In short, these lamps help us to feel calmer, relaxed, and well rested, while keeping our air clean and free of allergens and pollutants. 

We have 1-2 kg salt lamps and 2-3 kg salt lamps in stock, as well as a mini USB size that's perfect for on the go. You can shop our range of Himalayan Salt Lamps here.



  • Susie Wheller said:

    I have salt lamps in each room of my house. The glow at night is beautiful. In my lounge/dining room I have wopper 20kg plus a bowl lamp with HS rocks in it PLUS a further 6 scattered around both rooms which is open plan. The calm energy is amazing. Great investment in our well being. X

    February 21, 2024

  • Simon Coe said:


    February 21, 2024

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