Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists

Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists, 2nd edition, explores everything manual therapy students need to know about anatomy and physiology (A&P) in ways they can easily understand and apply to their hands-on work. This uniquely relevant textbook contains a wealth of detailed A&P information, including the benefits, effects, indications, and contraindications of specific forms of manual therapy. Includes additional / expanded / updated terminology and physiologic concepts according to current research and/or clinical applications in several KEY AREAS, such as: Pain terminology and theories (Chapter 7, The Nervous System) Polyvagal response (Chapter 7, The Nervous System) Interoception (Chapter 7, The Nervous System) Fascial role in interoception (Chapter 8, Neuromuscular and Myofascial Connections) Full chapter update of Chapter 8, Neuromuscular and Myofascial Connections Stress response and HPA axis (Chapter 9, The Endocrine System) Starling force role in the cardiovascularsystem (Chapter 10) and lymphatic system (Chapter 11) Full chapter update of Chapter 11, The Lymphatic System Chronic inflammation (Chapter 12, Immunity and Healing) Includes an online (regularly updated) bibliography for related articles and research to support specific references within the endnotes in each chapter.