Sunstone Pendant

I am filled with the warmth and positivity of the sun, and the radiant energy of golden sunstone crystal helps me to stay optimistic and confident in pursuing my goals.
Keywords: Energy, Vitality, Positivity
Chakra: Sacral, Solar Plexus
Astrological Signs: Leo
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Sunstone is a beautiful stone that radiates positive energy and vitality. It is known to bring joy and happiness to those who work with it, making it an excellent tool for those who are looking to boost their mood and increase their energy levels.
Sunstone is associated with the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras, which are both connected to personal power, creativity, and vitality. By balancing and activating these chakras, sunstone can help to boost energy levels, enhance creativity, and increase confidence and self-esteem.
In astrology, sunstone is connected to the zodiac sign Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. Its connection to the Sun makes it a powerful tool for those seeking to tap into their inner power
Weight: .17g
Circumference: 3.5cm