Yellow Fluorite Fish | II
Yellow Fluorite
Clarity | Focus | Manifestation
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Astrological Sign: Leo, Libra
Planet: Sun
Affirmation: "I am clear, focused, and capable of manifesting my desires."
Uses: Enhancing mental clarity and concentration, promoting confidence and self-expression, aiding in manifestation and goal achievement
Rarity: Uncommon
Yellow Fluorite resonates primarily with the solar plexus chakra and is associated with the astrological signs Leo and Libra and the planet Sun. It embodies energies of clarity, focus, and manifestation.
This crystal is treasured for its ability to enhance mental clarity and concentration, helping individuals stay focused on their goals and tasks. It promotes confidence and self-expression, empowering individuals to communicate their ideas and intentions with clarity and conviction. Additionally, Yellow Fluorite aids in manifestation and goal achievement, assisting individuals in turning their dreams into reality.
Embrace the clear and focused energy of Yellow Fluorite to manifest your desires and achieve your goals. With its supportive presence, Yellow Fluorite empowers you to tap into your inner strength and determination, overcome obstacles, and create the life you envision for yourself.
Height: 4.5cm
Length: 6 cm