Bloodstone Tumble
Vitality | Courage | Purification
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Heart
Astrological Signs: Aries, Libra, Pisces
Planet: Mars
Affirmation: "I am strong, courageous, and filled with vitality."
Uses: Enhancing physical vitality and stamina, boosting courage and strength, purifying the energy field
Rarity: Common
Bloodstone, with its deep green hue speckled with red, embodies strength, courage, and vitality. Resonating with the root, sacral, and heart chakras, it boosts energy, instills courage, and purifies the spirit.
This crystal empowers you to overcome challenges with determination and resilience, revitalizing your spirit and fostering inner strength. Found worldwide, Bloodstone is valued for its ability to enhance physical health and emotional well-being.
Embrace the invigorating energy of Bloodstone to ignite your courage, boost vitality, and purify your energy field. With its empowering vibration, Bloodstone supports you in embracing life with strength and resilience.
each piece will be intuitively chosen for you